Evidently this is my standard earthquake MO, because yesterday was no different. It was just before 2 and I was sitting in the kitchen, working. Mark had come home early because he had meetings close to home and didn't want to drive all the way back into the city. He was working from home, sitting down in the basement. All of a sudden, there was this really loud rumbling outside, like a super loud garbage truck or 18-wheeler out on the main road, but then it got ... bigger, and everything started shaking like crazy. The dishes and glasses were rattling, the chandelier was swinging, the house was wobbling, and the walls were creaking.** The rumbling was just SO LOUD. It was really scary -- my first thought was that a gas line was rupturing or something, but then I just KNEW. I jumped up in abject terror and yelled for Mark, and do you know what he shouted back as he sprinted for the front yard? "Get on the deck!" Gee, thanks, darling love of mine, I'll be sure to go right toward the least stable structure on the property, which also happens to be many many feet off the ground. Good plan! Instead I FLEW down the stairs and out the front door; I don't think my feet actually touched the ground, I went so fast. I ran out to the front yard, and Mark was like, "What is going on?" and I was all, "EARTHQUAAAAAKE!!" All of the neighbors were running outside too because, like the good little east coasters we are, no one had any idea what in the hell to do in an earthquake. It briefly crossed my mind to stand in a doorway as I was sprinting through the dining room, but then I was like, OH HELL NO. I didn't want any part of being in a collapsed building that was doomed to explode because the gas dryer was running. (Of course that was what I pictured happening. What, me? Irrational? Surely you jest!)
*I would like to take this opportunity to call BULLSHIT on all of the west coasters mocking the response to the VA quake. I can personally attest to the nonstop local news coverage of the smaller 2008 LA earthquake, and according to the NY Times (yep, it made the east coast news!), office buildings and schools were evacuated, trains were interrupted, and even Disneyland had a brief shutdown. So much for eating 5.8 quakes for breakfast, tough guys...
**I do NOT like the creaking, not one little bit. It freaks my shit right out. DO NOT LIKE.
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