This Week in Photos

I was really intrigued when everyone and their sister started posting photos for the January Photo a Day Challenge. Of course, being both a shameless follower AND consistently late to the party, I did not really get my act together to participate until March. Then March went to hell in a handbasket, what with finishing up the laundry room renovation, jumping right into the bathroom renovation, a visit from my mom, and our week and a half in Tahoe. My ability to shower on a daily basis was struggle enough, let alone remembering to take and post photos. I made it about 10 days into the month before scrapping things. April was just as crazy, with trying to get the house company-ready for Easter and then my trips to Philly and Boston.

Since it's looking like May might actually be relatively tame, I am jumping back on the bandwagon. Here's the week one recap:

Day 1: peace
Does it get more peaceful than an afternoon latte, a comfy chair, and a new book?
Day 2: skyline
Dreaming of this Tahoe skyline. I (heart) you, vacation.
Day 3: something you wore today
I wore my favorite pink shoes to wander around Old Town Alexandria with Mark.
Day 4: fun!
Friday Night Pizza Night is about as fun as it gets in this house. Cocktails, couch and dvr time, and some homemade pizza for dinner are the perfect way to start the weekend.
Day 5: bird
I am so not a tchotchke person, but I found this guy on clearance at the Crate & Barrel outlet and he just makes me happy, hanging out on his little bookcase perch. Weirdo.

I'm doing my best to stick with it this month, you guys. I'll keep you posted.

(What, you think I don't hear you taking bets?)

PS -- Happy Cinco de Mayo! Coronas and guac are on me.


Pretzel Thief said...

Loving the photos, Kate!

And so, as a result?

I wanna haul ass somewhere warm and comfy where I can read a book and imbibe a hot beverage (I'm at work trying not to die of it's cold...damn you, unregulated office cooling/heating! And southern autumn!); go to Tahoe (I'm in Australia...and stuck at work, DUH); steal your cute shoes (I'm not a thief, despite my blog name suggesting otherwise); have homemade pizza made for me while guzzling down some vino (I'm a foodie, plus OMG HOMEMADE PIZZA YUUUUUM); and finally, get me a tchotchke not unlike your little bird guy.


I think that about covers it.

Anyway, I've discovered your lovely blog (via Holly) and, well, how does one go about following you, missy? Heh heh.

See you around!

Kate said...

Well, thanks! You are too kind -- come on back any time. ;) I think there should be a subscribe link at the very bottom of the home page?

Take care!

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